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ATOM DESIGN STUDIO product design, product development, design strategy, design of exhibitions an

Klick: 237, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
ATOM DESIGN STUDIO product design, product development, 	design strategy, design of exhibitions an
ATOM DESIGN STUDIO product design, product development, design strategy, design of exhibitions an
LÄNK : atomdesign.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: lecturer
nyckelord 2: atomdesign
nyckelord 3: atom
nyckelord 4: consultant
nyckelord 6: product design
nyckelord 7: product development
nyckelord 8: protyp
nyckelord 9: education
ATOM DESIGN STUDIO, Consultant within Product Design, Product Development, Design Strategy ,Exhibitions and Film/Video Production Interior Design mostly Fairs , exhibitions and Public places Clients: Grand Hotel Stockholm, Stockholms Landsting, Kultu