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Exitflex - Surface Treatment Accessories | Thermoplastic Hose | Rubber Hose | PTFE Hose

Klick: 290, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
Exitflex - Surface Treatment Accessories | Thermoplastic Hose | Rubber Hose | PTFE Hose
Exitflex - Surface Treatment Accessories | Thermoplastic Hose | Rubber Hose | PTFE Hose
LÄNK : exitflex.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: top quality products
nyckelord 2: global company
nyckelord 3: development
nyckelord 4: process technology
nyckelord 6: marketing
nyckelord 9: couplings adaptors
nyckelord 10: filtration
Exitflex is a worldwide market-leader in the manufacture of accessories for the surface treatment industry including high quality thermoplastic hoses and tungsten carbide spray nozzles, tips, spray guns.