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Home - mPeira - Agile Transformation Partner, Scaling Value-Driven Organisations

Klick: 242, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
Home - mPeira - Agile Transformation Partner, Scaling Value-Driven Organisations
Home - mPeira - Agile Transformation Partner, Scaling Value-Driven Organisations
LÄNK : mpeira.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: agile
nyckelord 2: safe
nyckelord 3: lean
nyckelord 4: organisational design
nyckelord 6: scrum
nyckelord 7: backlog management
nyckelord 8: metrics
nyckelord 9: product owner
nyckelord 10: organisationsutveckling
mPeira is a leading Agile Transformation Partner helping clients to be successful with Agile. Our core values are lasting change and Real Value Delivered. We consult, train, and deliver all variants of Agile and Lean, including: Scrum, Scalable Agile