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Bootleg Booze Records - a penetrating dirty rock n roll label * Bootleg Booze Records - a penetratin

Klick: 214, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
Bootleg Booze Records - a penetrating dirty rock n roll label * Bootleg Booze Records - a penetratin
Bootleg Booze Records - a penetrating dirty rock n roll label * Bootleg Booze Records - a penetratin
LÄNK : rockalliance.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 2: rock n roll
nyckelord 3: hard rock
nyckelord 4: vinyl
nyckelord 6: label
nyckelord 7: records
nyckelord 9: beer
nyckelord 10: whiskey
If you are a fan of such amazing Real Rock N' Roll bands as The Nomads, Mot?rhead, MC5, Radio Birdman, Ramones etc., then you have come to the right place, because Bootleg Booze present today's top Rock N' Roll bands that were inspired by these great