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Two sides of life - a daily photo project

Klick: 179, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
Two sides of life - a daily photo project
Two sides of life - a daily photo project
LÄNK : twosidesoflife.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: daily photo
nyckelord 2: photoproject
nyckelord 3: everyday life
nyckelord 6: foto dagbok
nyckelord 7: johanna blomgren
nyckelord 8: ola nilsson
nyckelord 9: 365 bilder
Do we see the same things? This is a project where we, two individuals that lives together try to show our everyday life. We are interested in exploring how we both look at the world. Rules: One image each day, no editing, all images taken with mobi